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Associate/ Senior Transportation Planner- STV Inc., New York, NY, 2019-Present
• Performed and managed traffic and transportation studies for multiple projects in the New York City area. The recent projects include the PANYNJ Cross-Harbor Freight Program, Metro-North South-East Bronx Rezoning EIS, ESD Brooklyn Developmental Center FEIS.
Senior Transportation Analyst, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin Inc. (VHB), New York, NY 2016-Present
• Performed traffic and transportation analysis including the Greater East Midtown Rezoning EIS transportation study.
Project Manager, Sam Schwartz Engineering, New York, NY 2014-2016
• Project Manager and task leader for public and private projects responsible for all elements of project delivery.
• Performed traffic impact studies, traffic simulations, parking analysis, public transit project reviews, geometric design and crash analysis and Vision Zero studies.
• Technical leader for all GIS related tasks for traffic and transportation planning projects.
Senior Transportation Engineer, BFJ Planning, New York, NY, 2005-2014
Project Manager responsible for the final delivery of a number of traffic/transportation and GIS projects in the following fields:
• Traffic impact analysis, traffic simulations, traffic/parking circulation analysis, crash analysis, complete street/ road diet studies
• GIS-T (GIS for transportation) and GIS studies, regional and local transportation studies, transit studies and corridor studies
• Roundabout/geometric design, bicycle lane design, parking conceptual design, parking impact
Resident Engineer, Chapel Farm Construction Inc., Riverdale (Bronx), NY, 2004-2005
• Supervised road construction and worked closely with construction contractors as Quality Control Manager.
• Utilized AutoCAD Map 3D software for construction analysis
Transportation Engineer, Tehran Transportation & Traffic Organization (TTTO), Planning Department - Tehran, Iran, 2001-2004
• Managed the modeling team to run various scenarios under the Tehran travel demand model using EMME software
• Technical leader to perform several traffic simulation projects (using Synchro and GETRAM programs)
• Managed Tehran Traffic Geographic Information System Pilot Project (Tehran Traffic GIS)
Partner, Samar Naqsh Sazeh Inc., Tehran, Iran, 1995-2001
• Managed “Tehran Zoning Map Semi-Automatic Digitizing project” for a 30 square-mile area with a population of over 8 million.
• Project Manager for “Pavement Maintenance, City of Tehran-District 1”, 1997-1998
• Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), University of Colorado at Denver, 2011
• Master of Science, Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning, Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 2000
• Bachelor of Science, Geomatic Engineering & Land Surveying, Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1996
Traffic/Transportation: Synchro/SimTraffic, Aimsun, ArcGIS Network Analyst, HCS, EMME, RODEL, AutoTurn, TORUS, VISSIM
GIS, Design & Other: ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, AutoCAD Map 3D, Python, VB
• Professional Transportation Planner (PTP)
• Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Professional (GISP)
• Member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
• “Driver Behavior Analysis in Signalized Intersections, Using Nested Logit Model”, Alireza Rabiee, S. Seyyedhosseini, International Journal of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2002
• “Traffic Speed Control at the Highway’s Merging Points”, Amir Salehi, Alireza Rabiee, Tehran Traffic Engineering Issues (T.E.I), Spring 2002
• “Auto Navigation”, Alireza Rabiee, Tehran Traffic Engineering Issues (T.E.I), Fall 2001
• “GIS in Transportation”, Alireza Rabiee, Shahr Negar Magazine, June 2000 and Tehran Traffic Engineering Issues (T.E.I), Winter 2001
Available upon request or check www.TrnsPlan.com for selected projects.
Associate/ Senior Transportation Planner- STV Inc., New York, NY, 2019-Present
• Performed and managed traffic and transportation studies for multiple projects in the New York City area. The recent projects include the PANYNJ Cross-Harbor Freight Program, Metro-North South-East Bronx Rezoning EIS, ESD Brooklyn Developmental Center FEIS.
Senior Transportation Analyst, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin Inc. (VHB), New York, NY 2016-Present
• Performed traffic and transportation analysis including the Greater East Midtown Rezoning EIS transportation study.
Project Manager, Sam Schwartz Engineering, New York, NY 2014-2016
• Project Manager and task leader for public and private projects responsible for all elements of project delivery.
• Performed traffic impact studies, traffic simulations, parking analysis, public transit project reviews, geometric design and crash analysis and Vision Zero studies.
• Technical leader for all GIS related tasks for traffic and transportation planning projects.
Senior Transportation Engineer, BFJ Planning, New York, NY, 2005-2014
Project Manager responsible for the final delivery of a number of traffic/transportation and GIS projects in the following fields:
• Traffic impact analysis, traffic simulations, traffic/parking circulation analysis, crash analysis, complete street/ road diet studies
• GIS-T (GIS for transportation) and GIS studies, regional and local transportation studies, transit studies and corridor studies
• Roundabout/geometric design, bicycle lane design, parking conceptual design, parking impact
Resident Engineer, Chapel Farm Construction Inc., Riverdale (Bronx), NY, 2004-2005
• Supervised road construction and worked closely with construction contractors as Quality Control Manager.
• Utilized AutoCAD Map 3D software for construction analysis
Transportation Engineer, Tehran Transportation & Traffic Organization (TTTO), Planning Department - Tehran, Iran, 2001-2004
• Managed the modeling team to run various scenarios under the Tehran travel demand model using EMME software
• Technical leader to perform several traffic simulation projects (using Synchro and GETRAM programs)
• Managed Tehran Traffic Geographic Information System Pilot Project (Tehran Traffic GIS)
Partner, Samar Naqsh Sazeh Inc., Tehran, Iran, 1995-2001
• Managed “Tehran Zoning Map Semi-Automatic Digitizing project” for a 30 square-mile area with a population of over 8 million.
• Project Manager for “Pavement Maintenance, City of Tehran-District 1”, 1997-1998
• Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), University of Colorado at Denver, 2011
• Master of Science, Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning, Azad University, Tehran, Iran, 2000
• Bachelor of Science, Geomatic Engineering & Land Surveying, Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1996
Traffic/Transportation: Synchro/SimTraffic, Aimsun, ArcGIS Network Analyst, HCS, EMME, RODEL, AutoTurn, TORUS, VISSIM
GIS, Design & Other: ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, AutoCAD Map 3D, Python, VB
• Professional Transportation Planner (PTP)
• Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Professional (GISP)
• Member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)
• “Driver Behavior Analysis in Signalized Intersections, Using Nested Logit Model”, Alireza Rabiee, S. Seyyedhosseini, International Journal of Engineering Science, Iran University of Science and Technology, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2002
• “Traffic Speed Control at the Highway’s Merging Points”, Amir Salehi, Alireza Rabiee, Tehran Traffic Engineering Issues (T.E.I), Spring 2002
• “Auto Navigation”, Alireza Rabiee, Tehran Traffic Engineering Issues (T.E.I), Fall 2001
• “GIS in Transportation”, Alireza Rabiee, Shahr Negar Magazine, June 2000 and Tehran Traffic Engineering Issues (T.E.I), Winter 2001
Available upon request or check www.TrnsPlan.com for selected projects.